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Welcome to HONK- Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky


Make a difference today

Become a volunteer

HONK keeps cost of rehabbing homes in NKY low partly by using volunteer labor. Whether you want to bring your group or help in construction on a consistent basis, we have the room for you!

Donate to support

We rely on generous donations to support our mission of helping people achieve homeownership in Northern Kentucky. Thanks to individual and corporate donors, HONK has been a beacon of homeownership for over 30 years.

Become a partner

Support our mission in unique ways like regular corporate volunteering, event collaboration, and more.

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HONK office
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Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky.

HONK is a faith-based, non-profit organization with 30 plus years of success in guiding families and individuals on the path to homeownership.

Our opportunities are created by rehabbing homes and building new ones. Volunteer labor and donations help to keep HONK homes affordable.

HONK counsels households one-on-one to prepare them for homeownership.


What our happy homeowners say !!

“HONK has given me a safe, comfortable, beautiful home to make the best memories with my kids. My dream home. There’s truly nothing better than that.”

La vivienda en propiedad al alcance de todos

Desde 1991, las oportunidades de vivienda del norte de Kentucky han ayudado a los miembros de la comunidad del norte de Kentucky a realizar el sueño americano de ser propietario de casa proporcionando soluciones de vivienda asequibles a familias y personas que merecen la merecida, permitiéndoles reconstruir sus vidas construyendo su futuro en una base sólida de fe, educación y apoyo.

Con la ayuda de nuestros numerosos voluntarios y socios corporativos y comunitarios de toda la región de NKY, seguimos cumpliendo nuestra misión de ayudar a familias y personas de bajos ingresos a alcanzar el objetivo de ser propietarios de una vivienda estable a través de programas de educación y apoyo. 

Viviendas construidas
Nuevos propietarios
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Viviendas rehabilitadas
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Próximos eventos

No upcoming events right now. Stay tuned via our newsletter for updates!


Noticias y actualizaciones

Beyond Four Walls

When a family achieves homeownership, the accomplishment is immediately celebrated, because people realize the impact

Let's strengthen our community, Join us now!

HONK relies on volunteers to keep our cost to rehab homes low. It’s also a fun and rewarding experience for all!